Thursday, September 10, 2009

Puff the Magic Steriods.

One, two, three, Boom! That's the sound of the steriod explosion. Do I sound loony? It must be the steriods.

Yes, I am back on steriods, sob sob. Was that a voluntary act, done without coercion and undue influence? Just the gentle persuasion of my kind rheumatologist. After my last encounter with steriods, I puffed up like a puffer fish. Took me so long to get to my now svelte 40kilos, 88 pounds for the non metric people. But then I had vasculitis and was on long term high steriods. This time, it is only for four weeks. The problem with a flare up and steriods is that you have to be careful with the exercise. I was told, " just continue with your stretches".

You know what steriods can do. I'll chant the litany - damage organs, thin bones, affect moods...
You do know that I am talking about cathabolic steriods not that body building "roid rage" anabolic steriods.

The thing about my kind of steriods is that it cuts the inflammation and thus pain, so quickly that some come to like it too much and can't stop or reduce the dosage even when they are told so by their doctors. You can't really blame them. When you have known such pain, the relief given by steriods is bliss.

Whatever the problems, steriods are important for any inflammation.

That's why I still love my magic steriods - at times!

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