Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Freedom Part II.

In my last post I spoke of how I feel about my loss of freedom, with RA. It was depressing as I was feeling down, to say the least. Yes, much has been taken away from me.

Then, there is my mind. In my mind, I travel to strange lands and have the most wonderful adventures. My legs are strong and I stride over hills, down valleys. I lie next to rippling a brook and place my hand in the cool water. I look up at grapes hanging above and reach out one of my straight arms and twist off a succulent, sweet bunch. The juice drips from my mouth as I savour the sweetness. I walk down a cobbled street in Edinburgh and walk into a cafe. It is cold outside and I cup my latte with both hands. I watch the people passing outside with quiet happiness. All in my mind.

So fly in your mind even if you can only hobble with your body.

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