Saturday, September 26, 2009


Mikey is my toy poodle. My daughter and I share his attentions. He is lying on the floor next to me while I type. Every time I get up from my chair, he gets up too, looking at me with anticipation. Poor thing, he wants to go to bed but he wont until I do.

You only get this kind of loyalty from a dog. A dog has the patience to sit and listen to you without any shore of boredom or irritation. How many times can you talk about your pain to a human being, even a family member, before eyes glaze over or that person starts feeling uncomfortable.

A dog knows no boundaries when it comes to his love for you. Mikey is prepared to wait all night if need be for me, to decide to go and sleep.

When I stumble, and I do that often, I curse and grumble at Mikey. He just looks at me and wags his tail. He knows I am not really blaming him. He is like Mary's little lamb who followed her everywhere. Mikey does that too and he looks like a little lamb.

So, if you have chronic pain like I do and need someone to show their care all the time, get a dog. I have three.

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