Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Pain : Part III - The Power of Pain.

No, I did not type incorrectly as I am wont to do and its not about the power of love. We will leave Ms Carey to do that.

Masochists - stop reading! There is no S & M here.

Pain does give you power in a strange way. It gives you the power to understand, it gives you the power to empathise, it gives you the power to strengthen yourself and it gives you the power to make it all meaningful.

When you have experienced severe pain, you come to be more understanding about the pain of others. You are not so quick to criticise someone who suffers from migraine for instance. You learn to empathise with anyone who suffers from pain, physical or emotional. It is not about everyone whining and.whingeing, it is about the deepest understanding of another's pain. You rise up out of the deepest depths of your agony to be stronger.

How does it all become meaningful? If you try, try and try, you emerge a stronger person with the power to do and be all I have said above.

But why me? Why so much pain? Well , maybe it is so you can use the pain to get that power.

Its not so easy to think this and be that when you are in so much pain. Take the time to think about it on a day the pain is not so bad. Perhaps it will not feel so bad when it does come back to coil around you. It will not be able to crush you.

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