Saturday, August 15, 2009

My left foot

That darned left foot!

Thursday night I was in bed when my left foot started spasming like it had a life of its own. And no, I did not have a foot transplant, its all my own. It did feel as if a snake was sinking its fangs in me and its venom was spreading. This went on half the night with me shouting out to my daughter to help. Poor thing, she felt so bad for me and I felt so bad taking away her much needed sleep.

Sometimes its easier to be alone with your pain. You can shout, scream, cry and not cause anyone else distress. No one human at least. Mikey our toy poodle gets rather alarmed. You can "hear" him think "here she goes again." At times he covers his face with his paws after giving a long sigh.

You are actually alone in your pain.

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