Saturday, August 15, 2009

Dance of a different kind.

Last night the RA snake released me for a few glorious minutes. I got on the dance floor and danced. I did tell all near me to catch me if I fell and I did have a chair nearby to grab hold off but I danced!

At every family function, I say I want to dance, it does not happen most times. Last night was a large do to celebrate my brother in law's birthday. There were the speeches, the dinner, the cake, the singing and then my dear nephew announced that the dancing was to start with me on the floor. Well, in case you are wondering, I did not lead everyone in a Vienna, Viennese, waltz. He did get me on the floor eventually and I thank him for that sweetness and caring.

I have always loved dancing. I even learned ballet as an adult. So the utter frustration of not being able to tell your feet to do what you want them to do, to not stop being afraid of falling is not easy for me to handle.

The funny thing is that I don't feel the pain when I am dancing. I must just not stop. Better than a pain pill any time.

So fight the pain, grit your teeth force your lips to lift in a smile, move whatever you can even if its just your little finger and DANCE!

I know I will.

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