Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Right Foot.

My left foot has been rather cannabalised by vasculitis and is going another direction compliments of RA. I have had my left hip replaced. So you would understand how much I depend on my right foot. It still has all its toes and some arch.

My dear german shepherd Amber loves to play with anything she gets her paws and her mouth on. Her latest toys are her water bowls. She puts a foot one and drags it all around. She has this huge plastic water bowl. Its heavy but she has no problem picking it up and tossing it around. Lately, she has been carrying that bowl in when I call her into the kitchen for her food. She drops it in the kitchen and I push it out or carry it with difficulty out.

A few days ago she ran into the kitchen with the bowl in her mouth and dropped it - on my right foot! I screamed in pain and my bull terrier mix stopped eating in shock. I turned to scream at Amber and saw her eating, blissfully unaware of the pain she had caused me.

The foot became swollen and the pain became worse. I saw an orthopaedc surgeon and had an x-ray done of the foot. I wao lucky, it was not broken. How could I have managed with my good foot in a cast? Found out that my bones, at least of that food, are rather thin. I will have o do a bone density est soon.

The moral of my storey is that if you have just one good foot, keep that foot good And yes, stay away from german shepherds, dogs that is, bearing large, heavy bowls.

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